FHWA Safety Measures

Number of Fatalities

Five-year rolling average total number of persons suffering fatal injuries in a motor vehicle crash during a calendar year (All Public Roads)

Fatality Rate (per 100 million VMT)

Five-year rolling average ratio of the total number of annual fatalities to the number of annual VMT (expressed in 100 million VMT) (All Public Roads)

Number of Serious Injuries

Five-year rolling average total number of persons suffering at least one serious injury in a motor vehicle crash during a calendar year.

Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

Five-year rolling average total number of fatalities and serious injuries of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vulnerable road users.

Rate of Serious Injuries (per 100 million VMT)

Five-year rolling average of the ratio of the total number of serious injuries to the number of VMT (expressed in 100 million VMT).

FHWA Pavement and Bridge Condition

Interstate Pavements in Good Condition

Statewide percentage of pavements of the Interstate System in Good condition

Interstate Pavements in Poor condition

Statewide percentage of pavements of the Interstate System in Poor condition

Non-Interstate NHS Pavements in Good Condition

Statewide percentage of pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Good condition. (Full distress measure. Previously, FHWA allowed some states to report based on IRI only. IRI-only values are not displayed on this platform.)

Non-Interstate NHS Pavements in Poor condition

Statewide percentage of pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Poor condition. (Full distress measure. Previously, FHWA allowed some states to report based on IRI only. IRI-only values are not displayed on this platform.)

NHS Bridges in Good Condition

Statewide percentage of deck area of bridges on the NHS classified as in Good condition

NHS Bridges in Poor Condition

Statewide percentage of deck area of bridges on the NHS classified as in Poor condition

FHWA System Reliability and Freight Movement

Interstate Travel Time Reliability

Interstate Travel Time Reliability

Non-Interstate Travel Time Reliability

Non-Interstate Travel Time Reliability

Freight Reliability

Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) Index

Annual Safety Measures

Annual Rate of Serious Injuries (per 100 million VMT)

Calendar year ratio of the total number of serious injuries to the number of VMT (expressed in 100 million VMT).

Annual Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

Calendar year total number of fatalities and serious injuries of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vulnerable road users.

Annual Number of Serious Injuries

Calendar year total number of persons suffering at least one serious injury in a motor vehicle crash during a calendar year.

Annual Fatality Rate (per 100 million VMT)

Calendar year ratio of the total number of annual fatalities to the number of annual VMT (expressed in 100 million VMT) (All Public Roads)

Annual Number of Fatalities

Calendar year total number of persons suffering fatal injuries in a motor vehicle crash during a calendar year (All Public Roads)